29 August 2008


I promised to post, but I don't really have time to, so I'll just give you a status report.

Status report:
  • Working too hard at a boring job
  • Stressed about asking for leave
  • Hanging in limbo on a whole bunch of things

I am at a point where I feel like I need a really good cry....much like Sweets at the beginning of the week.

I officially hate this time of the year.

Have a good weekend.....

**P.S. go check out my hubby's band's MySpace page: www.myspace.com/staaldraadband - he's the one with the sexy sixpack**


AngelConradie said...

i am frankly exhausted and i loathe this time of the year...

Unknown said...

Hi, dropping by your blog because Tamara listed you as one of her 5 best new blogs. Cool layout, btw!

Arkwife said...

Angel: tell me about it....no amount of sleep is enough

Kitty: why thanks for dropping by...I've browsed around your blog too...very nice :-)

Sweets said...

hugs girl, i know it's tuesday already... so hope the hugs still do something :)

are you feeling better yet??

Arkwife said...

Sweets: I never say no to a hug. I had a moment again this morning when I realised I really do need to go sit in a corner somewhere.

But I'm better than Friday...so that's good at least.

Maybe we should watch Titanic together :-)

Sweets said...

yes Titanic will do the trick... all together now... booooooooohoooooooooo
*grab kleenex*

((hugs)) that's two hugs for you today ;)

Ruby said...

......................................................you are officially behind...he he:) I'm usually the one that takes the longest to blog about something, and now i've beaten you to it.....come come now my special friendster;)