07 August 2008

My Bucket List

I decided to follow Sweets' example, and do a little bucket list for you :-)

  1. Go on a roadtrip through SA (waiting for the petrol price to come down)
  2. Record a song that I've written myself
  3. Own a sportscar
  4. Have twins (hubby is still freaking out over this)
  5. Meet hubby's long lost Greek family
  6. Get over my fear of spiders
  7. Go shark-cage diving
  8. Learn to speak Spanish and Zulu fluently
  9. Have a post card from everywhere in the world.
  10. Go white water rafting
  11. Walk on the Great Wall of China
  12. Write and publish a short story
  13. Work for myself
  14. Watch the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco.....from my own yacht
  15. Go for a hot air balloon ride
  16. Fly in a fighter jet
  17. Go to Mexico
  18. Join the Mile High Club (hehe)
  19. Have my own wine farm
  20. Live on a houseboat

Phew....that was not easy. I can honestly not think of anything else to add to the list? What does that say about me, I wonder?


Sweets said...

great list toots! :)

i love the great wall of china and the white water rafting! i will add those to my list!!!
another one i thought of that i forgot to add on my list was i want to see the northern lights... wouldn't that be so cool?!

have a great weekend!

Arkwife said...

Fanks Sweets :-) I'm officially adding the Northern Lights to my list. I would love to see them for real!!

You have a good one too doll!!

Ruby said...

like the list....hubby will get used to the whole idea of twins...allthough, i'm probably more likely to have them than you guys!!! We on for tonight sweety? First monday in a looong time, i know!