First off, a quick update on what I did this weekend...: absolutely nothing.
Right, now that's out the way, let me ask you this (especially to all the
Bad Mommies out there) there ever a time you'll really know that you're ready to be a parent?
Hubby and I will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary on 24 September, and we've recently decided that we want to get pregnant. I'm 25 and he's 28, so it's a good age. We're fairly stable financially (who is ever really stable??) and a lot of our peers are getting pregnant or having babies.
I have also become unbearably broody.
I turn to mush whenever I see a baby, and especially when I see Hubby with one. I can't help daydreaming about our own kids.
So now I've gone off the pill (for the hormones, you know) and I'm doing the whole healthy eating thing, but we're waiting until November at least, as I have hypertension, and it will be listed as a pre-existing condition on my medical aid until then. After that, it's no holds barred....
....or is it? Being who I am (I have to read up on everything!!) I've gone onto every single pregnancy website that I could find, to see what they have to say about falling pregnant.....and now I'm not so sure anymore.
Am I really ready? Should I wait a little longer? Should we be earning more money first? Do I want that responsibility? Will my medical aid cover everything? What the hell is a doula? Can I handle the shift in my social life?
So I'm stuck now....I really want to read up on everything possible, but I also don't want to scare myself out of this completely. How does one really know that the time is right?