28 January 2009


....yes, I'm still here.


As you may have noticed, I've taken a huge sabbatical from all things blog. I do twit on occasion and I check in on Facebook about once a day, but other than that I've become an internet-recluse.

It's not because I'm not interested anymore, really I am, (and I even lurk on your blogs daily, even if only through a reader) but I'm taking heavy strain in the real world at the moment. I don't really want to divulge all the details, but I do think a quick update is in order.

Firstly, my boss resigned. This is fantastic news even though he's only officially leaving at the end of January. He doesn't come in to the office much, which the rest of us prefer. When he does he brings thunderstorms.....seriously.

Secondly, I'm moving house. I currently live in a two-story garden cottage and I've grown to detest the stairs. Being pregnant means needing the loo at the most inopportune times. Going down stairs at said inopportune times is hazardous to my health. Consequently, I'm moving. I'm really excited and anxious at the same time. It seems like we'll never be packed in time, and I can't wait to have my own little garden to do stuff in.

On the subject of pregnancy....I'm doing really well. I've been blessed with a total absence of morning sickness, although my gag reflex has become somewhat severe. I gag at the thought of gagging. Other than that I'm only really dealing with tiredness at the moment. The baby is doing fine according to scans, and seems to be healthy. I am very excited about the next scan, where we might be able to see the gender.

Hubby's band is doing really well too. CD's are apparently flying off the shelves, they're featuring on a few weird and wonderful "Top" lists across the country, and their music video is making waves on MK. The bad with the good though....I'll be home alone for about two weeks in April when they'll be hitting KKNK in a big way.

There are a few other things that are keeping me very occupied and in a state of semi-panic and ignorant denial at the same time. I'll let you know about it as soon as I have final clarity myself.

In the meantime I miss writing, but I'm too depressed to be creative, so please bear with me and know that I'm still here :-)



Louisa said...

Oh my word! I almost fell off my chair when I saw you posted something.

Lots of changes looming for you it seems cuzz...just hang in there, we'll wait till you're ready to speak again. ;-)


Janine / Being Brazen said...

So glad you posted something - glad all is well with you. Stop being so quiet :)

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Ps - hope the state of semi panic passes really soon *HUGS*

AngelConradie said...

woah... she LIIIIVES!!!
i'm glad you and baby are okay, miss you!

Arkwife said...

Thanks everyone. Your comments mean a lot :-)