23 October 2008

Always in threes.....


I spent the entire day in an extremely boring meeting about technical stuff that I don't need to understand (but which I had to attend), only to come back to an email from my mom, saying my cousin had died in a car accident.

What a crap day :-(


Anonymous said...

that sucks lovey.

i'm sorry to hear that news...

Nielfa Hanifa said...

My condolences...

Arkwife said...

Exmi & Nielfa: thanks, really.

Louisa said...

I'm really sorry to hear that...

Ruby said...

i already spoke to you last night.....but here's some more hugs...I'm pretty sure you'll need them!

Arkwife said...

Louisa: thanks cuz...it makes too many "what if's" come to mind

Ruby: thanks my friend. The family is apparently doing better. They realise they can't change things, so that helps.

AngelConradie said...

oh no... i'm so sorry.