16 July 2008

Long time no see

I'm sometimes awed at the people I find and who find me on Facebook.

I met this girl on my very first day of school. She was bawling her eyes out because she had to leave her doggie with her mom. With an innocent smile I looked at her, told her not to cry and to come sit next to me. We were instant friends.

That was 19 years ago. We'd lost contact when we went to different high schools. There were many other reasons why we didn't try to stay in contact, but I'll leave those for another day.

Anyway, I found her on Facebook a few days ago, and decided to try my luck and to add her as a friend. I nearly fell off my chair when she accepted, especially considering our history. She flabbergasted me even more when she sent me a message today, after not speaking to me for 9 years......did you get that?? 9 years!!

She's phoning me tonight......


Sweets said...

wow! this is prob the only thing about FB i adore, i've caught up with people i haven't seen in yoooooooonkers!

Arkwife said...

Tell me about it....she phoned me last night, and we ended up chatting for 45minutes!!

Anonymous said...

Every week somebody new pops out of the woodwork and adds me as a friend on Facebook. Like you said, it's amazing that after not speaking to a lot of these people for years, all of a sudden we have contact.

Anonymous said...

you got a lot of things to catch up.

AngelConradie said...

hhhmmm... i honestly wouldn't bother making contact if i hadn't spoken to someone in 9 years!